Procedure for Withdrawal

“Students can be withdrawn or removed from the school as under”

By giving a calendar Month’s notice in writing. In the absence of such a notice one month’s fee will be charged.

By the school authorities on one of the following grounds
a) Constant weakness in studies.
b) Irregularity in attendance.
c) Behavior problem.
d) Over-age in class.
e) Non-payment of fees or chronic irregularity in payment.
f) Moral breach considered serious by the school committee.
g) Students who get married before completing Class X.

For withdrawal after April 30, fees for two months, i.e., May and June will have to be paid. Those who leave in November will have to pay the fees for December also.

A month’s written notice should be given before the withdrawal of a student T. C. will be issued only after receiving the notice.

No leave is sanctioned on test or examination days.

Those students who remain absent for more than 10 days without any leave application signed by the parents approved by the Principal, will be struck off from the school records.