Annual Report

- Annual Report 2019 - 2020
- Annual Report 2018 - 2019
- Annual Report 2017 - 2018
“Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time.”
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
“Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward Heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.”
It is the changes that we all go through our lives that constantly improves us, and with Maya Angelou’s words portraying this thought in the most dazzling way possible, I would like to wish you all a very pleasant evening.
I take this opportunity to thank the Almighty Lord, for giving us strength in fulfilling our objectives to upgrade the level of school’s standard, for handling over the children and guiding all of us in establishing an Education Hub.
“Let today be the start of something new”
On behalf of the management, staff and students of the Little Flower Higher Secondary School, Pushpa Nagar, I cordially welcome our Chief Guest, Rev. Fr. Simon Raj, Dean, Indore Deanery of Catholic Diocese of Indore and Director, St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies, Dr (Ms) Shyamali Chatterjee, Principal, Shri Gujarati Samaj A.M.N. English Medium School, Indore. I also welcome the other invited dignitaries Rev. Fathers, sisters and all parents to this occasion that is our School’s 47th Annual Day “Together We Can; We Will”. I would like to thank you all for responding to our invitation and gracing this occasion.
I take immense pleasure to present the Annual report of our school to apprise you all, how the Mission and philosophy of the Little Flower Higher Secondary School have materialized positively in the day to day working of our school in the voyage of the discovery of excellence in the field of education.
This year has been a very eventful one for us. We have made great efforts to transform ourselves completely into the CBSE’s updated scholastic format and have been extremely successful in most of our endeavors. Apart from preparing the children to qualify for purely academic demands, special efforts are being made continuously to enable them to face the challenges of the competitive world. It’s a matter of great importance to us that the students who pass out from our portals should carry forward the values they have inherited, excel in whatever they do and be role models in the society.
In Little Flower Higher Secondary School, we believe that every individual has a lot of potential, and that potential can help accomplish wonders. That is why, it is fair to say that we thus believe that the future of the world starts here. The session of 2018-19 was a great year, and I consider it a moment of pride to showcase to you all the achievements and development that the school, staff and students undertook.
“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream leads the goal.”
There have been many changes at the School this year in terms of high expectations, communication, behavioural management, professional development, technology, and above all, academics.
Teachers worked together in various training sessions to align their curriculum and understand CBSE’s updated scholastic pattern. This vertical alignment will assure that students are learning all that they should be as they progress through our academic program. Co-Scholastic is implemented in its true spirit for students of I to XII in our school.
We cater to students from all sections of society and we recognize this as a challenge and have actively worked to develop systems and processes to deal with this issue by taking extra and remedial classes.
Vision determines directions of effort and prioritizing deployment of resources at our disposal, and our vision is to make our school one of the best schools of our country by providing 360 degree education to our students through best in class academic facilities and churn out citizens who are inspiring leaders with a humane touch.
Excellence in academics is the hallmark of a good institution and the class X and XII results of the school prove without an iota of doubt that our students have made us proud. We are proud to report that 2018-19 batch of X and XII Standard students have brought laurels to the school by their excellent results.
In this, we congratulate Parul Parihar who secured the 1st position in X Board Examination for the meticulous performance and also we congratulate Isha Khan class XII (Science), Amrin Khan and Jyoti Singh Class XII (Commerce) for their meticulous performances.
“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”
This was possible because of the continuous efforts by the dedicated staff and by taking extra classes and other remedial measures to improve them. The credit of the excellent performance is attributed to a number of new initiatives undertaken by the teachers and the school.
Competitive exams are one way to give the students an exposure. Our students strive to obtain various achievements at different levels, starting from school and spanning many steps.
The competition is not only among the fellow students of Little Flower Hr. Sec. School, Indore. They need to extend their boundaries and emerge as victors among other students of India.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
The academic and other committees provide a platform to review and make suggestions for policies on school curriculum and co – curriculum development. In order to enhance the efficiency of learning and teaching, various committees were formed and In-charges were allotted for different work areas.
- Disciplinary Committee
- Health Care Committee
- Students Safety and Security (POCSO) Committee
- Consumer Protection Cell
- Sports Committee
- Talent Search Program
- School Magazine Committee
We all together came up with projects that were new for the institute aiming to achieve new heights and meeting the quality standards.
A Student Council is representative structure for students only, through which they can get involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with School Management, Staff for the benefit of the School.
“It’s all about WE, not just YOU and ME”.
The Investiture Ceremony was on 17th July 2019, the day when the newly elected leaders were given all their responsibilities. An oath of dignity and honour was taken by the newly elected Prefects of the school.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
The students of the school are divided into four different HOUSES. DR. S. RADHAKRISHNAN, SARDAR VALLABH BHAI PATEL, DEVI AHILYA BAI HOLKAR, A.P.J ABDUL KALAM and that maximum number of students participated in Inter House Activities. Day to day activities, competitions are conducted in systematic and disciplined manners. Inter house activities are being conducted on Saturdays – English and Hindi Declamation, Creative Handwriting, Quiz competition, English and Hindi Debate, Art & Craft, etc.
“A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of education”.
A continuous improvement approach is the lease of the school improvement planning, and in order to ensure this Principal teacher’s meet was organized monthly. The main objective to organize staff meet to evaluate the progress and drawbacks (if any) and thus to search new ways to improve on that particular aspect.
To evaluate how far the policies implemented proved useful and what measure to be taken keeping in view ensuring the accomplishment of the areas lagging behind.
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
By providing a conducive and encouraging environment, the students are mentored to participate in a variety of intra and interschool activities/competitions. It enables the student to grow in confidence, knowledge & enhance their all-round development. Aside from individual activities, group activities were also conducted.
“When we are active, we become stronger and more energetic. This, in turn, makes us more positive and self-confident. It’s a powerful cycle.”
The Academic Session 2018 – 19 was fun and frolic for the blooming buds of pre – primary and primary. They enjoyed different activities like Dancing, Singing, Story Telling, Fancy Dress, etc. All national days blended with high notes of orchestra which instilled a sense of patriotism.
The school strives to build humanity where faith is integrated with daily life. We have committed proactive teachers and dedicated support staff working to deal with these tiny toddlers.
Assemblies are an essential part of schools, for they not only promote a sense of collective belonging to the school but they also educate the students in various ways. Best Assembly Marks were awarded to the winning houses, along with the appreciation.
To add a new flavour to the daily assemblies, themes are given to corresponding sections of the school, along with one day being dedicated to any special day of the week.
Various clubs are introduced for skill development and to generate inquisitiveness and interest and encourage students to bring out creativity. This year we have introduced 3 clubs for Primary to Secondary.
To ensure that our students are equipped to face any challenge, we have focused on few Student Enrichment programs which are as follows:
- Awareness Program for Parents Students of Class IX to XII students
- Career Counselling for Students
- Lectures by Invited Guests
- Career Counselling to join NDA, MPSSC for Class XII Science
“Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.”
With gaining knowledge and conducting contests, many events are celebrated. These events are not only educational but also fun. Some of the initiatives taken this year are:
- Drawing Competition
- Patriotic Song Competition
- Dance Competition
And a lot more concepts were introduced.
Along with these, various events are celebrated with a lot of vigour and fun. Some of them are:
- Rakhi Day
- Teacher’s Day
- Family Day
- Children’s Day
Besides these, a lot of events were also conducted, such as:
- Independence Day
- Diwali
- Gandhi Jayanti
Teachers Empowerment Programs:
“Teachers are also learners.” Staying updated is the key to success in any field, especially, in education. Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshops & various training Programs. Our teachers also attended workshops conducted by CBSE to enhance their skills.
Events Cutting Across Groups
To improve upon and inspire an individual is great, but greater still is inspiring a group, and with this in in our mind, we organize Parent Orientation and PTAs.
School Improvement Programs
“You make the world a better place by making daily improvements to become the best version.”
Constant improvement is the key to success. In this endeavour, we have introduced a few infrastructural and other developments:
Mathematics Laboratory
“Mathematics is a place where you can do things which you can’t do in the real world.”
We have developed the Mathematics Lab for 44 students seating capacity to boost the enrichment activities in Mathematics. The mathematics laboratory is a place where anybody can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of games, puzzles, and other teaching and learning material. The materials are meant to be used both by the students on their own and with their teacher to explore the world of mathematics, to discover, to learn and to develop an interest in mathematics. The activities create interest among students or in anybody who wants to explore, and test some of their ideas, beliefs about mathematics.
English Language Laboratory
“Learning a Language is to understand others; to form connections.”
We have developed the English Language Lab for 24 students seating capacity to improve the foreign language skills. A good English language lab when established and used by an institute can do wonders for the learners. The learners develop a continuous interest to learn the language as it encourages them to understand it and facilitates the understanding of the concepts of the language.
English language labs are designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical training in the language. A good language lab skilfully and efficiently develops the language skills of the learners. They are exposed to functional language in use and are familiarised with the many pronunciation styles that are vital in everyday usage of the English language in today’s world.
Flowerian Campus has digitalized in all respects.
- Junior and Senior school both equipped with 30 digital classrooms from Nursery to XII along with Virtual Laboratory.
- We are happy to inform that the E – Care portal is developed and maintained by our Flowerian’s INSPIRE Team with secure server.
- Individual student’s profile is created in E – Care portal ( so that in one click parents can get their ward’s complete information like all-important notifications, marks, attendance, timetables, programs & activities are now sent through Flowerian’s latest generated E – Care portal, hereby parents are in constant touch with the whereabouts of their wards and school.
- The entire result processing system also synchronized with E – Care. Individual students can check and download the result in digital format from after the declaration of the result.
- This year onwards the Flowerian’s Library also managed through E – Care portal for the Entry, Issue and Return of the book along with the unique barcode option.
- All examinations are conducted in a CBSE Board format with secure unique QR codes where the Question Papers are designed by the Office of the Controller of Examinations.
- We have introduced digitalized Admit Cards for all the examinations with some security features like QR code and Unique Admit Card ID number.
“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.”
To conclude, this year, we all took more collective step towards our vision, and while one step was taken, many more are to go, and it is certainly achievable. Many changes have occurred, and as we all know, change often brings growing pains. The bottom line is that we have all grown through the process, and we will continue to move forward to make this School all that it can be!. It is rightly said “The secret of all great undertakings is hard work and self-reliance.”
All the good work of the school has been possible with the cooperation of our highly qualified and dedicated faculty. Our thanks to the management committee of our school for their able guidance and encouragement. If I were to put all the events at FLOWERIAN in a Nutshell, we encourage a child to observe, to explore, to experiment, to probe, to analyze, to confront problems & find the solutions, Finally to develop the skills essential to face the future.
“Saying thank you is more than good manners, it is good spirituality.”
On behalf of the school, I avail this opportunity today to express a heartfelt thanks to our Chairman, Most Rev. Bishop Chacko Thottumarikal for his trust in our hard work and self-reliance, which has boosted our efforts to make our school one of the best schools. We are grateful to the Rev. Fr. Michael John, Vicar General, Catholic Diocese of Indore, for the continued assistance and guidance at all times, and the ever-positive Dean, Rev. Fr. Simon Raj, who is here with us today to stay tuned to maintaining high standards in the school by his constant support and guidance in all matters concerning school management. I am also thankful to Rev. Fr. Antonyswamy, the Secretary & Procurator of Catholic Diocese of Indore, Rev. Fr. Philip O A who is here with us today to encourage us in our work and several other official entities have provided us the necessary confidence to carry on with our plans and programmes and we owe a big, big thanks to them. On behalf of teachers and other staff, I now take this opportunity to commit ourselves to do our best at all times to honourably serve the institution and every stake holder.
I would like to conclude by extending our sincere thanks to all the parents and each one of you our well-wishers who have lent a supportive hand down through the years, in all our endeavors to produce a confident, educated and capable batch of students each year. Thus, shaping the future of your children who are the destiny of this country. I hope you’re enjoying the cultural programme, presented by our students and your evening with us is a pleasurable one.
Annual day programme not only provides a platform for the students to showcase their talents but gives an exposure and experience to know various performing arts and the ability to perform in diverse mediums. This year’s programme is an effort to showcase Indian art and culture.
“It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”
“Together We Can; We Will”
“Time is a sort of river of passing events and strong as its current, no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place”.
A convivial welcome to everyone arrived here today. Before starting, I would like to thank the Almighty Lord, for giving us strength in fulfilling our objectives to upgrade the level of school’s standard for handing over the children and guiding all of us in establishing an ‘EDUCATION MINISTRY’.
My heartfelt welcome to our Chairman Most Rev. Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal, Chairman of our School.
Our Manager, Rev. Fr. Philip.
Guest of Honor – Mrs. Sushila James, Senior Teacher of our School.
Special Guest – Mrs. Preeti Chavan, Sankul Pracharya, Bijalpur.
PTA President Brahma Kumari – Neela Didi, Om Shanti Bhavan, Indore and PTA Members.
Our distinguished Guests, Parents, Teachers and all our Staff members and Dear Children. I feel immense pleasure in welcoming all of you on this special occasion of our 46th Annual Day Celebration.
Annual Day is a time for recreating, rejoicing and taking resolution.
Another fruitful year has passed during which we had many ups and downs and faced many challenges but nothing could deter us from crossing over all the hurdles with firm resolve, determination and conviction and reaching new milestones in our journey.
Dear Parents, you deserve all commendation and appreciation for your wholehearted support and contribution you have made towards the development and keeping the rails moving on the track.
The session 2017 – 18 has been an eventful one and as one sits back to reminisce, it becomes unbelievable to see the reformations being made. The change will definitely leave an indelible impression on the ‘SANDS OF TIME’.
At Little Flower Higher Secondary School, we are all about looking and moving forward working with children by its very nature, propels us into the future and brings a constant sense of forward momentum. But when we look back and see where we have come from and what changes we have had over the last year and it is those achievements that we celebrate in this Annual Report.
On this momentous occasion, as we recount our success, faithfulness with pride and happiness we wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed efforts of the students, Teachers and Parents.
We all are extremely happy for our institution and we heartily congratulate all of you for the successful leap it has taken.
“No matter how magnificent a school is, Its methodology is the decisive pigment in bringing out the results”.
We wish to begin with our performance on the Academic front. Achieving excellence is at the heart of our endeavor as educators. We feel euphoric for our 10th and 12th CBSE Board Results for 2017 -18 have been about the best even. In this, we congratulate Neha Kundu who secured the 1st position in X Board Examination for the meticulous performance and also we congratulate Vaishali Rajput class XII (Mathematics), Abhishek Kushwaha Class XII (Biology), Tanmay Sharma Class XII (Commerce) for their meticulous performances.
A Student Council is a representative structure for students, only through which they can get involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school Management, Staff for the benefit of the school.
The Investiture Ceremony was on 16th July 2018, the day when the newly elected leaders were given all their responsibilities. Aditi Rajput and Md. Faiz are being elected as the president and the Vice President of School cabinet. An oath of dignity an honor was taken by the newly selected Prefects of the school.
“Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from unity”.
The students of the school are divided into four different HOUSES – TULIP, DAY LILY, DAISY and CORNFLOWER and that maximum number of students participated in Inter House Activities.
Keeping in mind the overall development of a child, the school provides ample facilities in various fields like Dance, Music, Sports, Crafts and Language Training Program, Exclusive library, Computer lab, Classrooms are well equipped with smart boards.
School has DIGITALIZED in all respects.
- Junior and Senior School both are equipped with digital classrooms from Nursery to XII.
- All important notifications are now sent through school’s latest generated message portal; hereby parents are in constant touch with the whereabouts of their wards and school.
- The entire result processing is centralized by software. Individual student’s profile is created so that in one click parents can get their wards complete information.
- All new admissions are being processed through online.
- All examinations are conducted in a Board Format where the Question Papers are designed by the Controller of Examinations.
- Co-curricular activities: Co-curricular activities facilitate the development of various domains of mind and personality such as the intellect emotion, social engagement, morality and aesthetics. Some of the Co–curricular are outlined as follows:
- Creative Writing Competition.
- Quiz competition.
- Patriotic song competition.
- Dance competition.
- Science and Maths Project Models.
- Rakhi Making competition.
- Scouts and Guides.
- Sports Coaching.
- Enrichment classes.
- Karate competition.
“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best, If you are not, keep trying”.
Sports Competitions inculcate the spirit of positive challenges and sportsmanship among the students preparing them for the life ahead. Sports, games and physical fitness occupy a place of importance in our curriculum. Our students actively participated in different sports competitions and won medals, certificated and trophies.
Students with special needs are identified and monitored by the class teachers and subject teachers. Such students are then regularly counselled by the School Counselor and attended by the special Educator as per need.
Teachers, Parents and the School Management Committee work in unison for the smooth functioning of the School. Times to time Parent Teacher meetings are held to evaluate the student’s progress. We are elated to announce that round 98% of our parents mark their attendance for the PTM.
The school’s PTA plays a significant role in creating a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to enrich the students educational experience. Periodic meet are scheduled to facilitate effective interaction with parents in the morning hours. Members of the PTA continue to extend their whole – hearted support to school by sparing their time and also taking the responsibilities actively.
“Prime role of education is to bring in human values and empower young mind”.
Celebrations sharing the happy moments together and spreading joy all around is a vital aspect of Little Flower which we follow every year religiously.
- Guru Purnima, Ganeshotsava, Eid, Janmashtami, Navratri, Diwali and other important festivals were celebrated with great reverence and fervour.
- The Independence Day, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day were celebrated with great zeal and zest.
- Important days like World Student day, Patron Saint Feast Day, Family Day, International Yoga Day were observed and activities signifying their importance were conducted in the school.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort”.
To ensure that our students are well equipped with knowledge to face any challenge we have focused sessions on special topics including Health and Hygiene for Girls, Career Counselling, Leadership skills, Career Planning and Development, Basic life support.
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous up gradation of knowledge and skills, we are committed to provide quality education and have equipped to face new education challenges by constant up gradation of teaching skills. The school teachers are thus opportunated enough to attend multi – facilitated workshops.
Gone are the days when education meant spending six or more hours of the days in a classroom, traditionally equipped, a black board, some chalks, and benches and so on. The 21st Indian School is the Product of a technologically evolving education system.
Degrees seldom determine careers; while the extracurricular activities do. Most of the options of life are unlocked through them and so we have triggered the growth of these activities amongst the students by conducting various activities.
School Dance Troop participated in Inter-school Dance Competition at St. Pauls.
“The true test of a school’s co – curricular progress is its participation and meritorious performance in the Inter-school competition”..
Dear Parents, I feel honoured to tell you that in Inter-school English Speech competition held at Guru Kishan Public School, Indore, Isha Khan of class XII secured 1st position.
Shejal Rajput was awarded special mention in Declamation Competition organized by Sahodaya Inter School Competition at Delhi Public School, Indore.
“All is possible to one that believes you can do anything & everything that is within your reach.
Again this year Little Flower Family continued its long standing tradition of growth & service to the community.
As we continue our journey further into the 21st century, we are conscious and committed to our role. As we strive to fulfil our responsibility towards creating the peaceful society free from injustices and prejudice against the human being.
Dear Parents, I conclude my words by saying that community outreach, then, emerge to be one of the important objectives of all educational endeavors at Little Flower Higher Secondary School. On this note I extend my sincere thanks to our Bishop Swamiji for sparing his valuable time and showering his blessings. My sincere gratitude to all the dignitaries and invitees as their presence has been a great moral support for all of us.
Special thanks are due to the Parent body as well, their constructive suggestions and valuable feedback’s have always been helpful in so many different ways. I would like to place on record my heartfelt gratitude to our erudite School Manager who has always been a guiding force with his dynamic vision that inspires us to perform better.
I thank the members of the Managing Committee, Parent Teacher Association, Media Persons and Social Administration for their unstinted support.
I wish to thank my Vice Principal, Academic Staff, Administration Staff, Students, Teachers and all the support staff of the School for their consistent diligence, sincerity of hard work.
“If your dream is a big dream, and if you want your life to work on the high level that you say you do, there’s no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.”
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
No matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.
The Annual Report showcases the achievements and glories of our school, undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about our shortcomings. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.
We set standards and goals for ourselves and strive to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more.
Our children are prepared to educate and entertain tonight and they are raring to go. But before they occupy centre stage, we must not forget the efforts and pains put in by all of us throughout these years. This report is not extensive but will try to showcase the important events and processes of Little Flower School in which you have put your confidence. We are grateful to you. With a deep sense of gratitude to God and a feeling of fulfilment I proudly present before you a concise report of Little Flower School.
Tracing the Past ….
“The past beats inside me like a second heart.” ― John Banville
Starting with a great vision in June 1972, our visionary management created an environment which inspired focused and committed effort, encouraged innovation and enterprise, where ‘Excellence’ was the watchword.
The first decade of our existence saw the foundation being laid, not just for buildings but also for realizing our goals and objectives. The fruition of our effort was evidently seen in the mid-eighties with the first few batches of our class XII and X doing exceedingly well in the CBSE Board exams and a few of our students securing a place among the top three ranks at the national level. In 2009, the school was granted permanent affiliation by the CBSE.
The second decade was characterized by strong growth and development and soon the school established a formidable reputation as an institution of academic excellence.
The third decade saw a consolidation of our growth. Starting in the mid-nineties and continuing to this day, the name and fame of the school spread across the globe with our students winning laurels in academics, debating and sports in international contests.
Our extraordinary achievements surpassed all expectations. This issue of our annual report is a humble attempt to encapsulate our outstanding achievements in the last four decades.
Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of endeavour of all educators and academic institutions. Little Flower School, Indore, is no exception. An important measure of this pursuit is how the institution has performed in third party assessments, the most important of which is the Annual, School-ending examinations conducted by the CBSE.
“The philosophy of the school classes of one generation
will be the philosophy of the government in the next.”
I wish to begin with our performance on the academic front. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators. Academic achievements reflect a demonstrated ability to perform to the best of one’s ability by developing one’s intellectual potentials and skills with diligence and ardour. We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our students of Classes NURSERY to XII.
Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution and class X and XII Results of the School prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud. In this we are congratulating Ms. Isha Khan, Ms. Arshi Mansuri, Master. Aman Bind, Ms. Shejal Rajput, Ms. Aditi Rajput and Master. Vivek Kushwaha for excellent performance in the CBSE Examinations of the Academic Year 2016-2017.
Student’s Council:
The student council of Little Flower School was elected and its investiture ceremony was held on 8th July, 2017. Rev. Fr. Principal officiated the function. Master Aman Bind of Class XI PCM and Miss. Ayesha of Class XII PCM were elected Head Boy and Head girl. The Cabinet pledged to dispense the duties under the guidance of the Principal and teachers to the best of their abilities.
“Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from unity.”
The students of the school are divided into four different houses, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Each House is managed by Teachers and Students as a House Captain, House Vice-Captain and House Prefects. The House on duty performs its duty of conducting the day-to-day activities, competitions in systematic and disciplined manner.
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
Various Co-Curricular Activities are held under different houses to develop a child physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas. Regular House Activities are held in which the students participate and display their caliber.
Keeping in mind the overall development of a child, the school provides ample facilities in various fields like Dance, Music, Sports, Crafts and language training program.
The well-stocked library with reference books related to subjects, journals, magazines, periodical newsletters, fictions etc. helps the young minds to widen their knowledge.
Computer Lab:
The school has computer lab which accommodate 30 students and teachers each. It also provides Internet access to the students and teachers to widen their horizon of knowledge.
Technology In Education:
Little Flower School believes in keeping pace with modern trends and application in education without compromising on tradition and values. Our aim in this regard is to provide our students with the best of equipment’s and facility. Availability of such facilities to all sections of population can bring equality in this world divided by financial wellbeing and the lack of it. The use of technology has been taken to the classroom by our efficient teachers. Ten classrooms are well equipped with smart boards and Curriculum Content Multimedia has been introduced to make learning easy and enjoyable. Multimedia classes like power point presentations and Audio- visuals for every lesson have been designed so as to make learning very interesting and innovative.
Co-curricular activities
Co-curricular activities facilitate the development of various domains of mind and personality such as the intellect, emotion, social engagement, morality and aesthetics. Creativity, enthusiasm, energy and positive thinking are some of the facets of personality development that result as outcomes of these activities. Various projects and activities, planned by the teachers, are executed with active participation by the students.
To help unfold the budding talents, to encourage group activities and develop competitive spirit, the four existing houses were rechristened as Green, Red, Blue and Yellow.
To hone latent skills in co-scholastic areas, students of Classes VI to VIII are provided structured opportunities. One such opportunity is the various club activities conducted in the school premises. Experts and professionals are invited to interact with the students. The areas covered under club activities are as follows Karate, Music, Foot Ball, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Kho-Kho, Art & Craft, Music, Debate, Maths, Science Research & Activity etc.
To sparkle hidden skills in co-scholastic areas, the school encourages students to take part in various structured and unstructured activities. One such opportunity is the club activities regularly conducted in the school premises.
By providing a conducive and encouraging environment the students are mentored to participate in a variety of intra and interschool activities/competitions. Some of the co-curricular activities are outlined as follows:
- Solo-singing competition
- Hindi Declamation Competition
- Creative Writing Competition
- Rakhi Making Competition
- Inter-House Patriotic Competition
- Class wise Quiz Competition
- Inter School Sunita Singh Smriti Basket Ball Competition
- Inter School senior Group Song Competition organized by Akhil Bhartiya Anuvrat Nyas at Kothari College.
Karate Competition
This year Karate was also introduced in our school, where Mahak Nagar of Class 8th A, participated at State level.
Social Awareness:
Social Awareness activities involve students to recognize other’s feelings and knowing how and when to assist others. Students learn to show respect for others and understand responsibilities. Swachh Bharat Mission is also a part of this awareness where our student’s pledges that they will remain committed towards cleanliness of our surroundings and nation as whole and will devote time for the same.
Value Education:
To build up the future citizens with social values, we insist value education i.e. moral science and catechism classes for the students to inculcate moral and ethical values in them.
Literary Club
Students of classes VI-XII who are the enthusiasts of English Language are periodically involved in activities aimed at enhancing skills in creative writing and expression, develop appreciation of literature. Workshops are held from time to time to improve the language skills along with group discussions and interactive sessions.
Music Club
India has a rich cultural heritage. The Music Club actively organizes various events through the year for the students, and even for parents, teachers and other staff members.
Enrichment Classes
Enrichment Classes in Maths, workshops and lectures in Physics, Chemistry & Maths are regularly organized for students of Classes IV to XII respectively.
Sports Coaching
Coaching classes are held for all major games through the year in Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Foot Ball, Kho – Kho, Kabadi and Athletics.
Scouts and Guides
Scouts and guides are involved in various in house school activities. Weekly classes are conducted in twice.
Comprehensive School Health Programme
The importance of health, personal hygiene, nutrition, physical fitness, etc. is reiterated through several classroom activities throughout the year.
A comprehensive Medical inspection for all students (Nursery to Class XII) was organized by the School from 23rd September 2017. It was conducted by Doctors.
Inter-school Cultural Competitions…
Apart from various intra-school competitions that are scheduled on regular basis, students of our school are encouraged to participate in various inter school competitions. The aim is to help students understand their strengths and identify what skills they need to improve to negotiate in a not-so-easy world.
“The quality of your thinking, determines the quality of your mind.”
Participation in the Science, Maths, and English Olympiad, itself is the biggest competition where a student competes to outshine others. It infuses a healthy competitive spirit through reward based assessment.
“To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you are not, keep on trying.”
Sports competitions inculcate the spirit of positive challenges & sportsmanship among the students and prepare them for the life ahead. Sports, Games and Physical Fitness occupy a place of importance in our curriculum. Our students actively participated in different sports competitions and won medals, certificates and trophies.
“You don’t have to be great to start,
but you have to start to be great.”
Sports and games play a vital role in the integral development of body, mind and soul. The school has committed sports teachers and coaches to train the students for various competitions at the interschool, taluk, district, State level and National level competitions. The school has spacious play grounds with Kho-Kho, Badminton, Table Tennis, volleyball and football courts. Athletic infrastructure also has been provided. In keeping with the traditions of the Little Flower School, this year also our students have upheld the records.
Our hearty congratulations and good wishes to all our young achievers.
“Nothing changes, until you change.
Everything changes, once you change.”
Counseling Sessions…
The school has integrated life skill training program in the schedule so that students develop the ability to meet difficulties in life in a constructive way. It involves performing skits, street plays, making posters, etc.
Students appearing at the Board Exams are guided and motivated by the school counselor regarding their career choices. A workshop on Board exam preparation was conducted.
Students with special needs are identified and monitored by the class teachers and subject teachers. Such students are then regularly counseled by the School Counselor and attended by the Special Educator as per need.
Parent Interface…
The school places a lot of importance in maintaining cordial relationship with parents with extra care being provided to attend every individual issue brought for attention. The periodic PTM provides a platform for two-way communication between teachers and parents and affords a good opportunity to interact face to face on all issues concerning the progress of students.
Parent Teachers Meeting
Teachers, Parents and the school management Committee work in unison for the smooth functioning of the school. Time to time, Parent Teacher meetings are held to assess the students’ progress. We are proud to announce that more than 98% percent of our parents mark their attendance for the PTM.
The School’s PTA plays a significant role in building effective co-operation and partnership between home and school. Periodic meetings are scheduled to facilitate effective interaction with parents in the morning hours. Members of the PTA continue to extend their invaluable support to the school by sparing their time.
Celebrations and Jubilations…
Celebrations, sharing the happy moments together and spreading joy all around is a vital aspect of Little Flower which we follow every year religiously.
- Guru Purnima, Ganeshotsav, Eid Celebration, Janamashtami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Diwali and other important festivals were celebrated with great zest and veneration.
- The Independence Day, Children’s Day & Teachers’ Day were celebrated with great reverence and fervor.
- The Investiture Ceremony for the newly elected Junior and Senior Student Council members was held in a grand way with badges and sashes being handed over to the members of Student Councils by the Principal.
- Important days like World Student Day, Patron Saint Feast Day, Family Day, International Days and International Yoga Day were observed and activities signifying their importance were conducted in school.
Independence Day Celebration:
The Inter house March past, dance and speech competition cum Independence Day was held with Great Spirit and enthusiasm on August 15, 2017. The Chief Guest of the day was Rev. Fr. Sebastian Aikara, Our Manager of Little Flower School.
Teacher’s day
The prefect body orchestrated an amazing assembly, staging reverence and endearment to our beloved teachers through music and dance performances. The assembly ground brimmed with respect, ardour and marvel.
Diwali Celebration
The celebration of Diwali ,’The festival of lights’ came alive at Little Flower on the 14th of October when the whole school wore a festive look with Diyas and lanterns adorning the corridors and the assembly hall in bright colours. The students showcased the spirit of Diwali through a mesmerizing dance performance. The assembly concluded with Rev. Father Principal assisting students to take oath to celebrate Green and Clean Diwali and giving away the message of a clean, peaceful and a bright Diwali.
“A person who never makes a mistake never tries anything new.”
To ensure that our students are well equipped with knowledge to face any challenge, we have focused sessions on special topics including Disaster Management, Basic Life Support, Health and Hygiene for Girls, Career Counseling, Leadership Skills, Career Planning and Development.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow,
Learn as if you were to live forever.”
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school and others so as to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities.
“I don’t even call it violence when it’s in Self Defence;
I call it Intelligence. Be an opponent, Not a victim. ”
Creating awareness among our students is the need of the time. Keeping in mind the safety of the children, a preliminary workshop about Self-Defence for girl students was organised.
Many milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at Little Flower, will continue our unceasing efforts to mould the young minds into well balanced.
Staff Enrichment Program
“We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way.” – John Holt
Staying updated is the key to success in any field, especially in the field of education. Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated, by attending workshops and various training programs. Few of them are as listed:
- ICSA organized a seminar for Catholic School Teachers of Indore on 21st Century learning skills for Teachers and Class Management by the resource person G. Bala Subramanian at St. Paul Higher Secondary School.
- A seminar on smart class training was organized by Mrs. Niti Jain.
- A workshop by Anurag Barkataya, an educational counsellor on ‘Back to School – Are you ready?’ Where he taught teachers about the present scenario and how to cope up with the students.
- One day seminar on Stress Management held in our school by Mrs. Neha Singh Chouhan.
- A Health Workshop by Dr. Sunil Rajan and Team of Apollo Hospital on Arthritis. During the workshop he answered the health related queries raised by the teachers.
- Various workshops for language teachers and subject wise were held enlightening the innovative methods of classroom teachings.
Student Enrichment Program:
“The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another.” – Marva Collins
To ensure that our students are equipped to face any challenge, we have focused on few Student Enrichment programs as follows:
- A seminar for the 10th class for the preparation of Maths and Science subject through internet. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Anurag and Mr. Ashish Agarwal from Merit smart.
- An awareness workshop on Child helpline was conducted by the Sub- Inspector Ayyub Khan, informing children’s about the precautions that can be taken in any mishaps around them.
- School student participated voluntarily in the schools ‘Green Drive’ on 8th July’ 17. It was all about turning school green, as the students of various classes planted more than 100 saplings in the campus.
- Career talk show was organized for the 11th and 12th Commerce students by Mr. Vishal Chourasiya of Career Maker, for the prestigious exams like C.S., C.A. AND CLAT.
- Ram Prasad Goenka Foundation organized a workshop for our students regarding safety rules to be taken while riding vehicles. Different road signs and traffic rules were discussed which should be followed.
- I.Q. test for 9th to 12th students was conducted by a Career Counsellor Mr. Anurag Barkataya. 127 students participated in the same.
- Students participated in the Leadership Programme held at St. Arnold’s school, Lalaram Nagar.
- Educational Talk on ‘Internet and Gadget Addition’ by Mr. Amit Jain. He discussed about the harmful effects of using Internet and how to overcome problems arising from the same.
- Talk on the Save Girl Child by Mr. Ashutosh Singh, Secretary from SAMVEDNA (Women welfare association) conducted a short program during the assembly hours. He shared his views on save girl child.
- Career Orientation Workshop was organized by Akash Educational Service Pvt. Ltd for class 8th, 9th and 10th.
- Mr. Punit Sharma Conducted a Small Workshop for Class 11th and 12th, informing them about his Life experiences.
- A workshop was conducted by Chandigarh University introducing students by the new courses run by them.
Functioning with the sole objective of meeting the demands of a competitive world the CBSE implements necessary changes from time to time. The most significant recommendation made by the board with effect from the Academic year 2017-18 is the revised assessment pattern for classes VI-X. As per the Board’s directive from this academic year all students of Class X will appear for the Board Exam. The CBSE will conduct Class X examination for 80 marks in each of the subjects covering 100% of the syllabus.20% of the weightage in each of the subjects will be assessed based on continuous assessment during the academic year.personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education.
Summing Up …..
“You can go as far as you dream, think and imagine.”
By nurturing young minds and strengthening their values we strive to motivate our students to reach their true potential and thus make them productive citizens of the world and worthy human beings. On this joyous occasion, we assure you of continued commitment to excellence in serving the cause of education. We consider this our sacred human responsibility.
With a visionary management motivating us with their inspiring leadership, distinguished faculty striving to do their best, motivated students not just meeting but exceeding expectations, understanding parents offering unstinted support, outstanding Alumni continuing to be a part of us, we are all set to move forward, build on our past successes and scale greater heights in the years ahead.
A Thank You note…
The good work of a school is the result of hard work of students, parents, teachers and timely support from several quarters. On behalf of the school, I hereby express our sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the patrons of our school. We always fondly remember the benign and insightful advice from our beloved Chairman, Most Rev. Bishop Chacko Thottumarikal. We are grateful to the Rev. Fr. Michael John, Vicar General, Catholic Diocese of Indore, for the continued assistance and guidance at all times, and the ever-positive Dean, Rev. Fr. Simon Raj, who have helped us to stay tuned to maintaining high standards in the school. I am also thankful to Rev. Fr. Antonyswamy, the Secretary & Procurator of Catholic Diocese of Indore, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Aikara who is here with us today to encourage us in our work and several other official entities have provided us the necessary confidence to carry on with our plans and programmes and we owe a big, big thanks to them. On behalf of teachers and other staff, I now take this opportunity to commit ourselves to do our best at all times to honourably serve the institution and every stake holder.
As someone so rightly said “In the right formation, the flying power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of any bird flying alone.”, We owe everyone of our achievements to Team Little Flower. In forty five years, team members may have changed, but the team spirit remains the same. The tradition of excellence continues.
“When a dream is fulfilled, it is always a glorious feeling.”
We thank the Almighty for bringing together the right people at the right time, each endowed with unique strengths and talent united by a common cause. We seek his blessings and guidance in every step of our way in the years ahead.
“Dare to dream big. Dream while you are awake,
and let those dreams take your sleep away.”
“The sky is NOT the limit. Beyond the universe is.”