Prefect’s Message

Ms. Bhavika Shrivastva

School is a temple of learning. It is a building which has four walls with future inside. Every passing year has brought me closer to this School. During my last five years at Little Flower I have been privileged to experience a vast array of new opportunities that have helped me to become the independent, aspiring student.
Little Flower is a well-respected establishment within the surrounding area. The School provides an excellent learning environment to all students. There is very friendly environment in the school campus. The Teachers & students work together and prove that our School logo ‘Love One Another’ is followed.
“No man will make a leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.” It is indeed an honor for me to represent a school that I believe gives every pupil the opportunity to shine.
Many people would perceive the role of Head Girl as one with great power over others. Being a Head Girl, I promise to give all my services selflessly in the best possible way I can. I look upon this position as opportunity to encourage fellow LFS towards great involvement in School activities, motivate them to use the platform of various opportunities provided with both zeal to learn and spirit to excel.
Getting an opportunity to be elected for such a responsible post would have been impossible without our beloved respected Principal, Rev Fr. Irudayaraj Antony, a man of wisdom & knowledge & my all respected teachers who are always ready to guide us through the journey of life.
At last but not the least, I can only commit that I will give my best to keep up the dignity of responsibilities bestowed upon me and contribute the share of my services to the share of my services to the School. May the Almighty God bless us all.
Ms. Neha Kundu

When opportunities knock, don’t let your fear hold you back. Open the door and embrace the opportunity that has come forth.
Little Flower School gave us one of the biggest opportunity to be the prefect of this prestigious school & we feel very lucky & thankful to this school to make us live our dream of being the Prefects. For the past eight years of our life we have seen this school giving opportunities to students, guiding us, encouraging us, believing in us & our talents & helping us to shape up our personality.
We would like to dedicate my success to our parents, teachers, our fellow students and our caring Principal Rev Fr. Irudayaraj Antony who always supported us and motivated us even in the darkest hour of our life. This is definitely the best moment till date that we would cherish throughout our life.
The best thing about our School is that along with academic excellence, it pays equal importance to sports, recreational activities, various skills & co-curricular activities.
The School has a lot to deliver to you. It is up to you how you take it. The School will give you many opportunities to come forward and show the world what you have but still choice will be yours. So always grab every opportunity that comes to you because this school is the greatest platform you will ever get to perform.