Examinations and Promotions

“Exams and Grades are temporary, but Education is permanent”

Regular periodical tests will be held in addition to the terminal exams in September and March. Promotions will depend on these tests and examination.

A duly signed Admission card should be obtained by every student well in advance and brought along every day for the examination.

Pupils absent from an examination for any reason are not re-examined, and those who absent themselves from an examination without giving reasons will be considered as having failed. In case of illness, a doctor’s certificate will have to be produced.

No candidate will be admitted to any of the examination unless all school dues have been paid in full.

Willful breach of any of the regulations for the conduct of examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination or, if subsequently discovered with cancelling of the paper.

The pupils are strictly forbidden to borrow stationery from their neighbors in the examination hall.

Copying, consulting and carrying answer slips to the examination will be liable for punishment such as detention in the same class.

Calculators are not allowed in Examination. Students can use Logarithm Tables provided by the school.

Applications for the verification of marks may be considered in special cases at the discretion of the Principal.

The year’s work will be taken into account for Drawing, Music, Craft, Needle work, Computer and Physical Education. No separate examination will be held in these subjects at the end of each term. Grades will be awarded for these subjects

a) A student is generally not eligible to appear at the second Terminal Examination if he/she has not put in at least 80% of the actual attendance during the year as per the school calendar.
b): In genuine cases the Principal may, however, condone the shortage in attendance not exceeding 10%.

Promotion to a higher class depends upon:
a) Regularity in attendance.
b) Regularity and quality of day-to-day participation in the class.
c) Opinion of teachers teaching in the class.
d) Written work and projects assigned by the subject teachers.
e) From the total of the two major written tests and the two unit tests, pupil must obtain 40% marks in each subject.
f) A candidate failing in one or two subjects may be given promotion provided he/she has secured at least 35% marks in each of the subjects in which he/she failed and maintained an aggregate of 40%.

Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.

A pupil failing twice in the same class will have to discontinue his/her studies in the school.

A progress report is sent to parents after each test and examination. Parents are requested to sign the report and return it within five days.